Establishment - TISIT

TİSİT, the Association of Agricultural Pesticide Manufacturers, Importers, and Representatives, was established in 1985 in Istanbul by companies aiming to strengthen the domestic plant protection products (PPP) industry and make significant contributions to the national economy. Its headquarters is located in Istanbul. It is the oldest and most experienced Civil Society Organization in the sector.

Since its establishment, TİSİT has provided significant services to Turkish Agriculture, Turkish Farmers, and Turkish Industry, and continues to do so. With its current member profile, TİSİT represents the Domestic and National Plant Protection Products (Agricultural Pesticides) Industry.

TİSİT advocates for the use of technical substances in domestic PPP production that comply with current regulations and the specifications set by international organizations such as the EU, FAO, and WHO.

Today, the Domestic PPP Industry in Turkey is capable of producing PPPs that meet the standards of the European Union and developed countries, and it can compete with the products of multinational companies both domestically and internationally. This positive development is greatly contributed by TİSİT and its dedicated members’ innovation-focused efforts.


The Board of Directors of TİSİT consists of professionals or employer-managers from leading companies in the production, import, and marketing of agricultural pesticides. The shared approach to solving the problems of the agricultural sector and the agricultural pesticide industry, along with the common vision of the association’s managers for the future, facilitates collaboration in TİSİT’s activities, projects, and general matters, ensuring consensus is reached.



Adı ve Soyadı

Firma Adı


Harun Kipge

Agrofarm Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Başkan Vekili    

Ferhan Tezcan

Agrotez Tarım Sanayi ve Ticret A.Ş.

Sekreter üye      

Mehmet Semih Nane

Menta Tarım İlaçları Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Muhasip üye         

Faruk Eroğlu 

Agrobest Grup Tar.İlaç.Toh. İmal.İth.İhr.San. Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.


Mustafa Büyükeğen

Safa Tarım A.Ş.




Adı ve Soyadı


Genel Sekreter    

Dr. Hüseyin Aydınoğlu

 Kimya Yüksek Mühendisi / Tarım İlaçları Uzmanı

İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uzmanı  

Emel Altay

 İş Güvenliği Uzmanı

İş Yeri Hekimi

Dr. Metin Caner



Mutlu Yılmaz

 Muhasebe ve Finans